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R.P. BOHARA PUBLIC SCHOOL BUHANA founded in 2002 has carefully chosen the path of success in creative and progressive education to rise above the confines of contentional teaching. The motive of school is enshrined in the Sanskrit work untruth to Truth. All efforts are directed to the achievement of the objective. our aim to provide the right opportunity and environment for a harmonious all round development of the personality of the student by giving a thorough general education and also conserving the cultural heritage of the country.
Chairman Message

Since the day, I got the responsibility to run the very honored “R.P. BOHARA PUBLIC SCHOOL ”. I feel very pleased and a highly obliged to be a part of this association which is continuously aiming to give the best education to near about 2000 children of various backgrounds. Today we are standing in world of problems and challenges since education is the panacea of social ills and evils, the role of a quality education institution has become much more important than what it used to be.
Contact us
Mob. :- + 91 9414835328, + 91 9413111201
E-Mail :- rpbedu@gmail.com

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